Citace podle ČSN ISO 690

Čížek, Pavel. Robust estimation in nonlinear regression and limited dependent variable models. Prague: CERGE-EI, 2001. 86 s. Working paper series, no. 189. ISBN 80-86288-66-8.

Citace podle APA

Čížek, P. (2001). Robust estimation in nonlinear regression and limited dependent variable models. Prague: CERGE-EI.

Styl Chicago

Čížek, Pavel. Robust Estimation in Nonlinear Regression and Limited Dependent Variable Models. Prague: CERGE-EI, 2001.

Citace podle MLA

Čížek, Pavel. Robust Estimation in Nonlinear Regression and Limited Dependent Variable Models. Prague: CERGE-EI, 2001.

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